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HomeBusiness10 Great Small Business Ideas to start in 2024

10 Great Small Business Ideas to start in 2024

If you’re thinking about launching a business in 2022, you’ll need to consider the new normal. The COVID-19 epidemic has altered people’s attitudes toward products and services. While launching a retail shop or a restaurant may have seemed like a smart idea in the past, you might want to reconsider your plans until you see how the coming year unfolds. Consider enterprises that can support how people are currently spending their lives instead of more traditional firms. You’ll need a solid business plan no matter what sort of business you start, but many of the ideas on this list just need a credit card processing partner to take payments to get started.

Consider any of these fantastic business ideas if you’re ready to start your own company.


Starting a consulting business may be a lucrative choice if you are educated and enthusiastic about a certain area (business, social media, marketing, human resources, leadership, communication, and so on). You may start your consulting firm on your own, then expand and recruit other consultants as your business grows.

Online reseller

Those with a love for apparel and/or sales may think considering launching an internet reseller business. Although it will require a lot of effort and attention – as well as a keen eye for fashion – this is a wonderful side hustle that can grow into a full-time reselling company. You may begin by selling your old clothing on online store websites like Poshmark and Mercari, ultimately growing to your own resale website.

Online Bookkeeping

Many bookkeeping services may now be conducted online, much like schooling. If you’re an accountant or bookkeeper who desires the flexibility and independence of running your own business, you may use contemporary technology to launch your own online accounting service, accepting clients from other businesses.

App Developer

You might wish to explore a job in app development if you are informed and skilled in technology. For many Americans, smartphones have become an everyday item, resulting in a surge in demand for mobile apps. Virtual reality software has also grown in popularity in recent years, resulting in a need for VR app creation.

Transcription Service

A transcription service is a wonderful business idea if you have a good ear and can type rapidly. It allows you to work from home and have a flexible schedule. Medical transcription services are in high demand as speech recognition technology for healthcare provider dictation becomes more common.

You can take as few or as many transcribing assignments as you’d like if you don’t want to start all at once or if you have a day job you’d want to retain for the time being. Consider becoming a licenced transcriptionist and digging into a few specialisations to enhance your company chances and justify charging extra.

Medical transcriptionists charge between 6 and 14 cents each line of transcription, which adds up rapidly. Because transcribing work often takes 24 hours to complete, it’s critical to keep track of the assignments you accept.

However, the ability to accept a small number of requests to get started means you may scale up as needed, making transcription a simple service to launch cautiously. The best part is that there is relatively little initial investment and overhead. All you need is a computer, some software, and a secure messaging provider.

Freelance Copywriter

You can work as a freelance copywriter if you’re a natural wordsmith with a basic understanding of marketing. Many firms may pay for your services if you create blogs, site material, or press releases.

Bring your SEO expertise to the table to assist your clients in developing a plan to target particular keywords that their target audience is already searching for online.

Most freelance copywriters charge between $40 and $50 per hour, although those who specialise in a particular industry may be able to charge much more.

Freelance copywriting is a fantastic business to start since you can work from anywhere with an internet connection. It’s a business you may run from the comfort of your own home or, if you travel, from the road.

You might even make freelance writing your full-time career if you build up a large enough network and receive recommendations from happy clients.

Translation Service

According to IBISWorld study, the translation services business, like many others, had a decrease in 2020; however, it is expected to return well in 2021. The internet has opened up entrepreneurs in other nations to English-speaking customers and vice versa, so the predicted rise isn’t surprising.

This development has opened the door for multilingual speakers to provide particular services like document translation and online information translation into languages for usage in various markets. Carving yourself a niche in the translation services sector if you speak many languages might be a lucrative effort.

Digital Marketing

With each passing day, the internet’s relevance rises, making it more difficult for businesses to break through the clutter and adequately advertise themselves. Digital marketing services are constantly in high demand, and many small and midsize businesses would prefer outsource than hire an expensive in-house staff.

If you’re good at SEO, content marketing, PPC, web development, or social media management, you might be able to find a business opportunity that allows you to work from home.

Because digital marketing is such an essential component of a brand, it’s crucial that you keep up with changes in your customers’ marketing strategy. Not only does social media management require constantly monitoring for comments and messages, but it also entails scheduling postings with a “set-it-and-forget-it” mentality.

Digital marketing may be the ideal company for you if you love thinking and methodically implementing strategies. You may also pursue a career as an affiliate marketer, which is a type of internet marketing.

Graphic Designer

Corporations, small enterprises, and sole proprietors all require eye-catching advertising materials, but not everyone has a keen sense of aesthetics. You may establish a graphic design firm to produce flyers, digital advertisements, posters, and other engaging visual materials if you have an artistic streak and know how to organise content into a visually attractive style. Graphic design also has the advantage of having only a laptop and a desk as tangible equipment.

T Shirt Printing Business

If you have a keen artistic sensibility, you could like starting a T-shirt printing business, much like you would enjoy taking someone else’s graphics and screen-printing them onto a blank shirt. In any case, if you have enough room for a T-shirt printing setup, you may simply get the essential equipment and begin your small business.

Marigold Atticus
Marigold Atticus
Explore Business, Finance, and Tech, an adept guide with 3 years of experience in decoding trends and strategies. Uncover the future in concise, captivating insights


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